All photography provided by mordechai rackover
Israel at the Center
God Given Gifts
A Luach is a liturgical calendar. The standard Luach that is used in Orthodox communities across North America ignores the religious significance of the founding of the State of Israel. Luach Torah Israel changes that. We have included all holidays of the Modern State as well as religious observances for significant dates in the North American secular calendar.
“These days are an indispensable part of our calendrical lives as religiously sensitive Jews who view the establishment of Medinat Yisrael through the theological lense of the miraculous return to Zion after 2000 years of Exile. We should not allow these special days to be missing from our religious calendars giving the impression that they are not “real”.”
What We've Achieved in One Year
- Published Luach Torat Israel 5777
- Distributed to over 550 individuals, congregations and schools
- Provided 300 copies free of charge to schools and educators
- Engaged over 100 donors to make this possible